Masters Of Professional Studies (M.S), Data Analytics
2022 - 2024
Northeastern University, Vancouver, Canada
Data Analysis| Data Computation | Data Modelling | Data science | Machine learning and AI
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Computer Engineering
2017 - 2021
Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
SQL | DBMS | Data Structure | Algorithms | Data gathering | Probability
Professional Experience
Database Analysts
Feburay 2024- Current
- Wrote DAX code to calculate different measures and columns required for efficiency, captured, and highlighted KPIs in visualizations.
- Developed Power Pager platform and deployed various Power BI dashboards for easy access of developed products at a single source.
- Wrote automation code for refreshing the various Power BI dashboards and data pulling from web on a daily basis and create power automation for various task automations.
- Developed complex Excel Models for delivering information from live data and automate Productivity reports for various Providers
- Performed data pulling tasks from various websites using Python and develop a centralized database system in Google BigQuery.
Database Analysts
January 2023 - Feburay 2024
NCAS (Nursing Community Assessment Service),Canada
- Efficiently maintain database of over 50,000 patient examinations and executed complex SQL queries on a terabyte-scale dataset
- Implemented Data Clusters for efficient Data access and further performed Data ETL (Extract, transform, and load).
- Developed data pipelines using BigQuery, Python, and Apache Airflow speeding up the data processing by 35%.
- Constructed CRM model with real-time data using cloud streaming services with power BI, Visualizing critical information
- Utilized Python with PySpark to apply feature selection on patient data, pinpointing key factors affecting heart health .
- Developed a data pipeline that combines on-premises SQL data with JSON data from web input, creating a centralized SQL database.
- Trained a prediction model using Python, with identified key factors to anticipate potential heart health issues in advance .
- Employed AIC and BIC comparisons to detect flaws in pre-existing model, leading to 23% enhancement in accuracy for the new model.
- Deployed the finalized model on the cloud, conducted unit testing, and formulated visualization of performance results to sho w impact.
Data Processing
Heart Health Prediction Model
Instructional and Research Assistant
January 2023 - Current
Northeastern University, Canada
- Processed 28 GB of AI-generated JSON data, designed a SQL star schema, enhancing data usability, and improving query performance .
- Utilized AWS Kinesis data streaming and developed data pipeline to provide continuous input data for training machine learning model.
- Implemented natural language processing and semantic analysis with Python Hugging Face to enhance job recommendation system.
- Tested and deployed Job Recommendation system, boosting suggestion accuracy by 82% through resume and job description analysis.
- Created a dashboard using Tableau to highlight market requirements and currently available opportunities.
- Configured cloud policies and transferred over 50TB of data to cloud, and performed data cleaning for optimized cloud data storage.
- Implemented ad-hoc architecture and parallel query processing with SQL resulting in improve data accessibility and query processing.
- Calculated satellite launch-to-functioning ratio and average lifespan using Python resulting in optimizing resource allocation by 32%.
- Performed time series analysis on data to identify improvements in space projects , resource usage and utilization.
- Created a detailed report featuring graphs and data visualization to emphasize key findings using Power BI.
JobLink Insights
Starlink Dataset Analysis
Data Scientist
July 2019 - September 2022
- Developed Docker containers and images for project setup across diverse systems, enhancing setup process and achieving time savings.
- Utilized data encryption and Key Management Service to securely store financial data, concealing personally identifiable information.
- Created data pipeline using Data Transfer Stream to seamlessly combine cloud and on-premises data for model training and Data backup.
- Build Credit rating model based on financial data, purchases and spending, predicting 93% relevant factors influencing credit scores.
- Implemented prediction models to determine the creditworthiness of individuals, facilitating more informed lending decisions.
- Aggregated demand and supply data from Excel, Web and handwrote notes, and build Centralized database for data storage.
- Implemented role-based data access policies and secured the data pipeline in SQL to enhance data security and integrity.
- Applied time series analysis on collected historical data to predict changes in demand resulting in 78% product availability in the market.
- Created interactive web dashboard using Power BI & Excel to digitally interact with research and findings with visual evidence.
- Led meetings explaining research and fundamentals with stakeholders and delivered a final report with insights, and research evid ence